Internship at Under the Wave

UTW team on a boat

Join us as an intern at Under The Wave and become part of a team dedicated to marine conservation in Zanzibar. Each intern takes on a specific project rooted in scientific research that directly aligns with our mission. In addition to leading their own projects, interns contribute to ongoing initiatives that help drive our organization forward.

Read our purpose and get to know our team.

Throughout your 3-6 month internship, you’ll also take part in all our ongoing projects, gaining hands-on experience in conservation activities while learning about life in Zanzibar and the unique marine ecosystem surrounding the island.

Read more about our projects.

Based in Matemwe, on the northeast coast of Zanzibar, our internships provide a truly immersive experience that blends scientific research with real-world conservation work. Whether you’re a student or simply passionate about marine conservation, we offer responsible, fun, and affordable opportunities to make a difference.

At Under The Wave, we aim to facilitate sustainable living practices, promote engagement with marine ecosystems, and protect Zanzibar’s marine environment.

Ready to make an impact? Click the button below or email us at:

Interested in Volunteering?

Volunteer with us through our World Unite Collaboration. 


World Unite! is an German based organization dedicated to intercultural exchange and worldwide learning by offering volunteering, internships and working holiday opportunities.

Learn more about the opporunity here

Help Us Make a Difference!

Support our work by donating through The Living Ocean NGO. 

Your contribution will directly aid our projects and help protect Zanzibar’s marine environment.

What impact will your donation have? 

  • $10 – Fund a local student’s field trip to learn about marine science, plastic pollution, and more.
  • $20 – Support a coral collection trip to gather “corals of opportunity” (coral fragments) for our nursery, planting 50 new fragments.
  • $30 – Provide one month of maintenance for our sea cucumber farm to support sustainable family incomes.
  • $200 – Sponsor an educational snorkeling field trip to Mnemba Reef for an entire class, inspiring future ocean advocates.